a dimly lit stone ruin

Top 10 Destinations in the Missouri Ozarks

Must See Missouri Ozarks

The Missouri Ozarks, a region rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage, is a mosaic of rolling hills, lush forests, and clear rivers. This area, characterized by its unique geological formations like ancient mountains and expansive caves, is not only a visual marvel but also a haven for diverse flora and fauna. Read on to learn about the must-see destinations in the Missouri Ozarks.

Beyond its environmental allure, the Ozarks hold a deep cultural significance, echoing the history of early American settlers, Native American heritage, and the Civil War. It’s a land where traditional American music, particularly bluegrass and folk, flourishes amidst a backdrop of historical sites and local arts.

The Ozarks offer an immersive experience into America’s heartland, combining outdoor recreation with a rich tapestry of cultural traditions, making it a quintessential destination for those seeking both adventure and a deeper understanding of American history and culture.

The Missouri Ozarks holds an even deeper meaning for us at ‘On the Road With Red’. It is the birthplace of myself (Christy) and our infamous Red. As well as 3 of our other children…and some grandchildren. Yes, we are grandparents. I spent the first 18 years of my life and some of my adulthood there. Hence the 4 children that were born there. Each of these destinations is woven throughout my upbringing. So read on to learn some history On the Road With Red.


Vibrant Entertainment Hub

Branson, often hailed as the entertainment capital of the Ozarks, pulsates with a vibrant energy unique to this region. This lively city has established itself as a family-friendly destination. It offers an array of attractions and activities that cater to all ages.

Silver Dollar City: A Family Favorite

One of my personal favorites. At the heart of Branson’s allure is Silver Dollar City, an 1880s-themed amusement park. This park blends thrilling rides with old-world crafts and live entertainment, creating an experience that’s both fun and educational. It’s a place where families can enjoy roller coasters, watch artisans at work, and relish traditional Ozark cuisine. You feel propelled back into the old frontier. Christmas at Silver Dollar City is a must for all. It is truly spectacular. While I am generally excited about cold weather destinations, this is one I make an exception for. If you are lucky you might find a warm winters day to go. If not, the beauty will quickly make you forget the temperature.

Live Shows and Theaters

Branson is synonymous with live shows and theater productions. The city’s theater district is bustling. It hosts a variety of performances ranging from country music concerts and magic shows to comedy acts and dramatic plays. Each theater offers a unique experience, ensuring there’s something to suit every taste.

Diverse Music Scene

Music is the soul of Branson. The city boasts a rich musical heritage, showcasing everything from classic country and bluegrass to modern pop and rock. Visitors can enjoy performances in various music halls and theaters, where the sound of Branson’s diverse music scene comes alive.

More Than Just Entertainment

While entertainment is Branson’s primary draw, the city offers more than just shows and amusement parks. Visitors can explore the beautiful Ozark landscapes, indulge in shopping at Branson Landing, or visit local museums. This blend of entertainment and culture makes Branson a standout destination in the Missouri Ozarks. The outlet malls are a popular stop as well.

Branson, with its dynamic blend of thrilling amusement parks, live entertainment, and rich cultural experiences, truly encapsulates the spirit of the Ozarks. It’s a city where every visit is filled with excitement, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

Lake of the Ozarks

Lake of the Ozarks, nestled in the heart of Missouri, stands as a beacon for lovers of water sports and nature. This expansive lake, with its winding coves and sprawling shoreline, offers a diverse range of activities that draw visitors from all corners. This makes it a great destination in the Missouri Ozarks.

Thriving Hub for Water Sports

The lake is a paradise for water enthusiasts, offering conditions perfect for boating, fishing, swimming, and water skiing. The clear waters of Lake of the Ozarks are ideal for both leisurely pursuits and adrenaline-pumping adventures. Marinas dot the shoreline, providing easy access to boat rentals and water sports equipment. A distinct childhood memory involves boating across this lake and thinking this must be what the ocean is like. The waves can get incredibly big.

Abundant Wildlife and Natural Beauty

Surrounding the lake, the lush Ozark landscape is a haven for wildlife and nature lovers. The area is home to a variety of birds and animals, offering opportunities for wildlife watching and photography. The natural beauty of the Ozarks, with its rolling hills and verdant forests, creates a serene backdrop for outdoor activities.

State Parks Offering Diverse Activities

The lake’s vicinity boasts several state parks, including Lake of the Ozarks State Park and Ha Ha Tonka State Park. These parks offer well-maintained trails for hiking and biking, picnic areas, and camping sites. Visitors can explore caves, natural springs, and stunning scenic overlooks.

A Playground for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Beyond water sports, the Lake of the Ozarks region offers a range of outdoor activities. Golfing, horseback riding, and zip-lining are among the many recreational options available. The area’s diverse terrain makes it suitable for all ages and levels of adventure seekers.

A Retreat into Nature’s Lap

Lake of the Ozarks is not just about thrilling activities; it’s also a place for relaxation and reconnecting with nature. The tranquility of the lake and its surroundings offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle of everyday life.

Lake of the Ozarks is more than just a destination. It’s an experience that combines the thrill of water sports with the tranquility of nature. Whether it’s the excitement of a boat ride or the peace of a hike through the woods, the lake provides a perfect setting for making lasting memories in the heart of the Ozarks.


Springfield, Missouri, often referred to as the urban heart of the Ozarks, seamlessly blends the charm of a vibrant city with the rustic beauty of the surrounding region. This city, rich in history and brimming with attractions, offers a unique experience for both residents and visitors alike.

A Center of Culture and History

Springfield is a city steeped in history, with numerous sites and landmarks that tell the story of the Ozarks and its people. The city’s historical sites range from the iconic Route 66 to the Springfield National Cemetery, offering a glimpse into the past that shaped this region.

Family-Friendly Attractions Abound

For families, Springfield is a treasure trove of activities and attractions. The Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium offers an immersive experience into the world of wildlife and conservation. The Discovery Center of Springfield, with its interactive science exhibits, provides educational fun for children of all ages. Both of these are great fun for kids. And for the outdoorsman, Bass Pro Shops is next to the Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium. Even if you are not an outdoorsman you should check it out. And an insider tip…there is an amazing BBQ spot across the road. Get the BBQ baked potato. I make no commission off of this, but it would be criminal to not tell you about the potato. You won’t be disappointed.

Outdoor Adventures Within City Limits

The city also caters to those seeking outdoor adventures. Nathanael Greene/Close Memorial Park is an urban oasis, perfect for picnics, walks, and botanical explorations. The Springfield Conservation Nature Center, with its walking trails and wildlife viewing opportunities, brings nature close to city life.

Rich Arts and Entertainment Scene

Springfield’s arts scene is vibrant and diverse. From live music at the Gillioz Theatre to contemporary art at the Springfield Art Museum, the city has something to offer for every art enthusiast. The downtown area, with its array of galleries, theaters, and venues, is a hub for cultural events and festivals.

A Hub of Culinary Delights

No visit to Springfield is complete without experiencing its culinary offerings. The city’s dining scene is a mix of traditional Ozark cuisine and modern culinary innovations, catering to a variety of tastes and preferences.

Springfield, as the urban heart of the Ozarks, presents a unique blend of history, culture, and family-friendly fun. It’s a city where the past and present converge, offering experiences that are both enriching and entertaining. Whether it’s exploring historical sites or enjoying the urban green spaces, Springfield is a destination in the Missouri Ozarks that promises memorable experiences for all who visit.

Mark Twain National Forest

Mark Twain National Forest, encompassing a vast expanse of Missouri’s Ozark landscape, stands as a testament to the natural beauty and wilderness spirit of the region. This national forest, named after the famous Missouri-born author, offers a plethora of activities and sights for nature lovers and adventure seekers. It is easy to see why it is a top destination in the Missouri Ozarks.

A Network of Trails for Every Adventurer

The forest features an extensive network of trails, catering to hikers, bikers, and horseback riders of all skill levels. Trails like the Ozark Trail and the Eleven Point National Scenic River Trail offer immersive experiences into the heart of the Ozarks, showcasing the region’s diverse flora and fauna.

Ideal Camping Spots for Nature Immersion

Camping in Mark Twain National Forest is an experience in itself. With numerous campgrounds and dispersed camping areas, visitors can choose their way to connect with nature. Whether it’s a family camping trip or a solitary wilderness retreat, the forest offers the perfect backdrop.

Scenic Views and Natural Wonders

The forest is not just about trails and campsites; it’s a treasure trove of scenic views and natural wonders. Panoramic vistas, serene rivers, and hidden waterfalls dot the landscape, offering countless opportunities for photography and peaceful contemplation.

Recreational Activities for All Ages

Beyond hiking and camping, Mark Twain National Forest is a hub for various recreational activities. Fishing in its clear streams, bird watching, and hunting are popular among visitors. The forest’s clear night skies also make it a fantastic spot for stargazing.

Conservation and Education

Mark Twain National Forest is not only a place for recreation but also a center for conservation and environmental education. It provides a living classroom for learning about ecosystem preservation and the importance of sustainable interaction with nature.

Mark Twain National Forest embodies the spirit of outdoor adventure in the Missouri Ozarks. Its trails, camping facilities, and stunning natural scenery make it an unmissable destination for anyone looking to explore the great outdoors. As my backyard growing up, I can say for certain children will love it. This forest offers a chance to reconnect with nature and experience the untamed beauty of the Ozarks.

Ha Ha Tonka State Park

The State Park, nestled in the Missouri Ozarks, is a unique destination where nature’s beauty meets the intrigue of historical ruins. This state park is renowned for its scenic landscapes, intriguing past, and family-friendly amenities. Maybe it is my strange fascination with cobblestone and brick, but Ha Ha Tonka tops my list.

Discovering the Historical Ruins

One of the park’s most captivating features is the ruins of Ha Ha Tonka Castle. Built during the early 20th century and destroyed by fire, these ruins now stand as a hauntingly beautiful reminder of the past, attracting visitors intrigued by both history and architecture.

Trails for Every Family Member

Ha Ha Tonka State Park boasts a network of trails suitable for all ages and abilities. Trails like the Lake Trail or the Spring Trail offer easy, scenic hikes perfect for families. These paths wind through diverse landscapes, from wooded areas to open glades, offering stunning views and opportunities to explore the natural beauty of the Ozarks.

Ideal Spots for Family Picnics

The park is dotted with numerous picnic areas, making it ideal for a family day out. These spots, set against the backdrop of the park’s natural beauty, provide a serene setting for enjoying a meal outdoors and spending quality time with loved ones.

Exploring the Natural Wonders

Beyond the trails and picnic areas, Ha Ha Tonka State Park is home to remarkable natural features. The park’s namesake, Ha Ha Tonka Spring, is one of the largest in the state, feeding into the Lake of the Ozarks. The park also features intriguing caves, bluffs, and sinkholes, showcasing the geological diversity of the area.

A Space for Learning and Recreation

Ha Ha Tonka State Park is not only a place for recreation but also for learning. The park offers educational programs that teach visitors about the natural and cultural history of the Ozarks, making it a great destination for families looking to combine fun with educational experiences.

In Ha Ha Tonka State Park, families can find a perfect blend of adventure, history, and natural beauty. Whether exploring the ruins, hiking the trails, or enjoying a picnic, visitors are sure to have an unforgettable experience in this distinctive Missouri state park.

Ozark National Scenic Riverways

The Ozark National Scenic Riverways in Missouri is a paradise for water enthusiasts and nature lovers. This national park, embracing the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers, is renowned for its pristine waters, scenic beauty, and abundant recreational opportunities.

Iconic Rivers Offering Unmatched Beauty

The Current and Jacks Fork Rivers are the crowning jewels of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. These rivers are known for their crystal-clear waters, flowing through beautiful Ozark landscapes. The riverways provide a serene environment for visitors to connect with nature and enjoy the tranquility of the outdoors.

Thrilling Canoeing and Kayaking Adventures

Canoeing and kayaking are among the most popular activities in the park. These rivers, with their gentle currents and picturesque settings, are perfect for both beginners and experienced paddlers. The park offers numerous put-in and take-out points, making it easy to plan a trip that suits your interests and skill level.

Camping Along the Riverbanks

For those who wish to extend their stay, the Ozark National Scenic Riverways offers excellent camping opportunities. Campgrounds and backcountry camping sites along the riverbanks provide a unique way to experience the beauty of the Ozarks. Camping by the river allows visitors to wake up to the sounds of nature and the gentle flow of the river, creating an unforgettable outdoor experience.

A Playground for Water-Based Activities

Beyond canoeing and kayaking, the park is a hub for various water-based activities. Fishing, swimming, and tubing are also popular, offering different ways to enjoy the riverways. The clear waters of the rivers are home to a variety of fish species. Therefore, making it a favorite destination for anglers. My family has spent their entire lives in the waters of the Current River. It gave me an unrealistic view of how clear water is supposed to be. Along with that a fear of not being able to see my feet! Its beauty is unmatched. But respect its force also. It can be as dangerous as it is beautiful. It is called the Current River for a reason.

Conservation and Education

The Ozark National Scenic Riverways is not only a recreational area but also a space for conservation and education. The park plays a vital role in protecting the natural and cultural resources of the Ozark. It offers educational programs that promote environmental stewardship.

The Ozark National Scenic Riverways is a true haven for water recreation. Its iconic rivers, combined with the abundance of water activities and camping options, make it an ideal destination for those seeking adventure and a deep connection with nature in the beautiful Ozark region.

Big Cedar Lodge

Big Cedar Lodge, a destination nestled in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks, stands as an iconic wilderness retreat, offering a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation for visitors of all ages. This lodge, known for its stunning natural setting and array of activities, is the ideal destination for families, couples, and adventure enthusiasts.

Surrounded by Natural Beauty and Iconic Rivers

Set against the backdrop of the Ozark Mountains and close to the scenic Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Big Cedar Lodge offers guests the chance to immerse themselves in nature. The lodge’s proximity to iconic rivers provides ample opportunities for water recreation such as fishing, canoeing, and paddleboarding. Thus, allowing guests to enjoy the serene beauty of the Ozarks from the water.

A Wilderness Retreat with Luxurious Comfort

Big Cedar Lodge combines the rustic charm of a wilderness retreat with the comforts of a luxury resort. Guests can choose from a variety of accommodations, ranging from cozy cabins to grand lodges. These are all designed to provide a comfortable and immersive nature experience.

Adventure for Every Interest and Age

The lodge is a hub of outdoor activities, catering to a wide range of interests and ages. Guests can explore hiking trails, participate in horseback riding, or enjoy a round of golf on the lodge’s championship courses. For the more adventurous, there are opportunities for zip-lining and cave tours.

Relaxation Amidst the Wilderness

For those seeking a more relaxing experience, Big Cedar Lodge offers serene spots for contemplation and relaxation. The lodge’s spa services provide a perfect way to unwind after a day of activities. Additionally, guests can enjoy tranquil moments by the lakeside, soaking in the natural beauty of the Ozarks.

A Family-Friendly Destination

Big Cedar Lodge is a family-friendly destination, offering a range of activities for children and teens. From kids’ adventure clubs to family-oriented outdoor activities, the lodge ensures that every family member has an enjoyable and memorable stay.

Big Cedar Lodge is more than just a place to stay. It’s a destination where adventure meets relaxation, set in the stunning wilderness of the Ozarks. Whether you’re seeking an action-packed getaway or a peaceful retreat into nature, Big Cedar Lodge offers an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield, a destination located in the Missouri Ozarks, stands as a pivotal site in American history. Known for its significant role in the Civil War, this battlefield offers a profound glimpse into the past, making it a vital destination for history enthusiasts and families alike.

A Historical Site of National Importance

The battlefield marks the site of the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, the first major Civil War battle fought west of the Mississippi River. This site is more than just a field; it’s a touchstone of history that shaped the nation. The area has been meticulously preserved. Thus allowing visitors to step back in time and experience a crucial moment in America’s past.

Engaging and Educational Tours

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield offers a range of educational tours, perfect for visitors of all ages. Guided tours, led by knowledgeable park rangers and historians, provide in-depth insights into the battle, the soldiers who fought, and the broader context of the Civil War. These tours are not only informative but also engaging, bringing history to life in a way that is accessible to everyone.

Scenic Walks Through History

Apart from its historical significance, the battlefield is also a place of natural beauty. Visitors can take scenic walks along the park’s trails, which wind through the historic landscape. These walks offer a chance to reflect on the events that took place on this ground. While surrounded by the peaceful beauty of the Ozarks during your time there.

A Place for Reflection and Learning

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield serves as a platform for reflection and learning. It’s a place where visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the Civil War and its impact on the nation. The park also offers educational programs and events throughout the year, providing opportunities for visitors to delve deeper into Civil War history.

A Memorial to Those Who Served

The park serves as a memorial to the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. It’s a place of remembrance, honoring the bravery and sacrifices of those who were part of this critical moment in history.

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield is more than just a historic site; it’s a gateway to understanding a pivotal chapter in American history. Through its educational tours, scenic walks, and reflective environment, the battlefield provides a meaningful experience for all who visit. Thus, offering insights into the Civil War and the legacy it left behind.

Fantastic Caverns

Fantastic Caverns, a top destination located in the heart of the Missouri Ozarks, offers a unique and mesmerizing underground experience. Renowned as the only ride-through cave in North America, this natural wonder invites visitors of all ages to explore the subterranean beauty of the Ozarks in a comfortable and accessible way.

A One-of-a-Kind Cave Experience

What sets Fantastic Caverns apart is its unique ride-through tour. Visitors can board a tram and journey through the cave, making this natural marvel accessible to everyone, regardless of physical ability. This feature ensures that the beauty of the cave can be appreciated by all.

Guided Tours Full of Wonder

The guided tours at Fantastic Caverns are not just a ride; they are an educational adventure. Knowledgeable guides lead the way, sharing the history, geology, and biology of the cave. The tour is an opportunity to learn about the cave’s formation, its ecosystem, and the role it plays in the broader Ozark environment.

Showcasing Underground Beauty

The cave is a treasure trove of geological formations. Stalactites, stalagmites, and unique cave features adorn the path, illuminated to reveal their full glory. The ride through the cave offers a chance to witness these formations up close, showcasing the hidden beauty that lies beneath the earth’s surface.

An All-Weather Adventure

One of the advantages of Fantastic Caverns is that it’s an all-weather attraction. The cave’s constant temperature and the comfort of the tram ride to make it a perfect destination any time of the year, rain or shine.

A Commitment to Conservation

Fantastic Caverns is not just a tourist destination; it’s a site dedicated to conservation and education. The cave is carefully preserved, and the tours are conducted with a commitment to protecting this delicate ecosystem, ensuring that it can be enjoyed by future generations.

Fantastic Caverns offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the wonders of the underground world in a unique and accessible way. Through its ride-through tours and commitment to education and conservation, the cave provides a memorable and enlightening experience that captivates visitors from the moment they enter its subterranean realm.

Elephant Rocks State Park

Elephant Rocks State Park, nestled in the Missouri Ozarks, is a unique geological treasure that captivates visitors with its remarkable rock formations. Known for its giant, ancient granite boulders, the park offers a spectacular setting for hiking, exploration, and outdoor education.

Towering Granite Boulders: A Sight to Behold

The park’s main attractions are the massive elephant-shaped granite boulders, some dating back 1.5 billion years. These formations, resulting from years of erosion and geological processes, create an almost otherworldly landscape. The largest boulder, known as ‘Dumbo,’ stands at an impressive 27 feet tall, embodying the park’s grandeur.

Hiking Trails Through Ancient Rocks

Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, Elephant Rocks State Park features hiking trails that weave through these granite giants. The one-mile Braille Trail is especially noteworthy, as it’s accessible to visitors with visual and physical disabilities, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the park’s natural beauty.

Exploration and Adventure for All Ages

The park’s unique landscape makes it a perfect destination for explorers of all ages. Children and adults alike are enthralled by the opportunity to climb and navigate between the boulders, offering a hands-on experience with nature’s marvels. Children love to pose for pictures while appearing to hold the boulders up. Interesting fact…this is the first place I ever saw chocolate-covered bacon. I am from Missouri and I had never seen this before. I am not sure if it is still sold there. If anyone goes leave a comment and let us know! And for the record, I didn’t try it.

A Window into Earth’s History

As visitors wander among these ancient rocks, they are walking through a page of Earth’s geological history. Informational signs along the trails provide insights into the formation and significance of these granite structures, enhancing the educational value of the visit.

A Natural Classroom and Photographer’s Delight

Beyond its recreational appeal, Elephant Rocks State Park serves as a natural classroom, teaching lessons in geology, conservation, and the environment. The park’s unique topography also makes it a favorite spot for photographers looking to capture the beauty of these natural sculptures.

Elephant Rocks State Park is more than just a scenic area; it’s a place where geology comes to life. Its unique rock formations provide an ideal setting for hiking, exploration, and learning, making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers in the Missouri Ozarks.

a girl holding up a boulder

The Missouri Ozarks in Review

The Missouri Ozarks, with its enchanting blend of natural splendor and rich heritage, invites adventurers and nature enthusiasts to a realm of unparalleled beauty. For those of us at “On the Road with Red,” the region represents an extraordinary tapestry of experiences. It is where our adventures began. It is the birthplace of our Red.

From the lively streets of Branson, buzzing with entertainment, to the serene and crystal-clear waters of the Lake of the Ozarks, each corner of this majestic area beckons with unique adventures. The lush trails of Mark Twain National Forest and the ancient formations of Elephant Rocks State Park offer perfect settings for family explorations and bonding with nature. The historic echoes at Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield and the subterranean wonders of Fantastic Caverns are not just destinations.

They are gateways to understanding the past and marveling at nature’s creations. As we journey through the Ozarks, every path, river, and historical site reveals a story. Thus inviting us to delve deeper and embrace the spirit of exploration. The Missouri Ozarks are not just a travel destination. It’s a vivid chapter in the story of “On the Road with Red,” where every visit enriches our tapestry of travel tales and deepens our connection with the heart of America.

Last Updated on December 9, 2023 by On the Road with Red

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