a toddler in st. patricks day attire in front of a green water fountain.

Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day for All Ages

Luck of the Irish

Welcome to Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day fun celebration. Truly an event where the vibrancy of Irish culture and the spirit of the community come alive in the heart of Georgia. Known for hosting one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the United States. Savannah transforms into a sea of green, brimming with festivities that cater to all ages.

At “On the Road with Red,” we’ve experienced firsthand how this charming city blends traditional Irish heritage with Southern hospitality. In return, creating a family-friendly atmosphere that’s both lively and welcoming. It is truly unlike anything we have seen before.

From the grand parade showcasing vibrant floats, marching bands, and bagpipers to the various family zones with activities tailored for children, there’s something for everyone. The streets buzz with excitement, music, dance, and laughter. Thus making it a perfect setting for families to enjoy and create lasting memories.

In Savannah during St. Patrick’s Day, the community’s warmth is palpable. The cultural experience is enriching. This ensures that the celebration is not just a party, but a showcase of cultural unity and family fun.

Our First Parade

Special Guest

Our first St. Patrick’s Day parade in Savannah was an experience unlike any other, especially since the Vice President was attending that year. This high-profile presence meant the usual relaxed atmosphere of the parade was intertwined with heightened security. Secret Service agents were visible everywhere, and security checkpoints were set up, transforming the parade into a highly secure event.

Mike Pence in the Savannah St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The strict rules for the “secure zone” meant no outside food, drinks, or large bags could be brought in. This could have posed a challenge, especially since we were with four children. But, as luck would have it, our friend, an attorney with an office inside the secure zone and facing one of the squares, became our savior for the day.

The strategic location of their office was a game-changer. The night before, they had stocked up on food and drinks, preparing for the big day. Most importantly, we had access to bathrooms – a crucial comfort when you’re with kids!

The Exciting Day

The day itself was unforgettable. Savannah turned into a sea of green, with the city embracing the St. Patrick’s Day spirit in full force. Our children, along with our friends’ kids, had the thrilling job of handing out “bling” from the office. They were just as engaged and excited as the adults, making the parade a truly family-friendly event.

The parade in Savannah is more than just a procession; it’s a community celebration where children and adults alike can have fun. The presence of the Vice President that year added an extra layer of excitement and uniqueness to our experience. It wasn’t just about the parade; it was about the communal spirit, the joy of being together and experiencing something truly special.

Our first St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah was more than we could have hoped for. It exemplified the unique charm of the city – its ability to blend tradition with community, and celebration with security, all while ensuring everyone from the youngest to the oldest had a great time. This experience remains one of the best days of our two years in Savannah, a vivid memory of how the city comes alive in a spectacularly green fashion for St. Patrick’s Day.

A Touch of Irish Charm

Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration is steeped in history and Irish charm. This annual event, deeply rooted in the city’s Irish heritage, goes back to 1824. It started as a small gathering by Irish immigrants to honor their homeland and has since grown into one of the largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in the United States.

The influence of Irish culture in Savannah is a reflection of the significant Irish immigration in the 19th century. Many Irish came to Savannah seeking a new life. They brought with them their traditions, culture, and of course, their St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Over the years, this Irish heritage intertwined with Savannah’s cultural fabric, creating a unique blend of Irish and Southern traditions.

Special Meaning

Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day is more than just a day of celebration. It’s a tribute to the city’s rich Irish history. The parade is a spectacle of green, with floats, music, and dancing. It’s a day when everyone, regardless of their heritage, comes together to celebrate. The city’s historic squares and streets become a hub of festivity, echoing the joy and spirit of the Irish. Today, approximately 280 units – bands, families, societies, soldiers, public servants, and commercial floats – wind through the streets of Historic Downtown Savannah every March, making the St. Patrick’s Day Parade one of the largest and most recognized in the world!

The celebration is also a time for reflection on the contributions of the Irish community to Savannah’s development. From the architecture to the city’s economic growth, the impact of the Irish is evident. St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is not just a fun event; also it’s a meaningful expression of the city’s diverse history and the enduring strength of its Irish roots.

In essence, Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day is a blend of fun, history, and cultural pride. It’s a day when the city dons a touch of Irish charm and opens its arms to everyone. Thus inviting them to be part of this vibrant tradition.

Parades Galore

The parade route winds through Savannah’s picturesque squares, draped in green for the occasion. Spectators of all ages line the streets, clad in green, eagerly awaiting the procession. Children sit on the shoulders of parents, waving at the floats, while adults enjoy the festive atmosphere, often joining in with the music and dance.

What makes Savannah’s parade special is its inclusivity. It’s not just about Irish heritage; it’s a celebration for everyone. Local schools, businesses, and various organizations participate, showcasing the city’s diverse community. The parade is more than just an event; it’s a gathering place for families, friends, and visitors, all coming together to share in the fun.

a potato in green clothing
Even the schools get involved in celebration and education

The energy of the parade is infectious. It captures the essence of St. Patrick’s Day – a blend of tradition and festivity. For many families, attending the parade is a yearly tradition, a day of joy and community bonding. In Savannah, the St. Patrick’s Day parade fun isn’t just a march through the city; it’s a grand celebration of life, culture, and community spirit.

Wear Your Green

In Savannah, St. Patrick’s Day is a sea of green, and everyone is invited to join in. Wearing green is more than a fashion statement; it’s a symbol of participation, joy, and a nod to Irish heritage. As we wander through the streets during the festivities, it’s a kaleidoscope of green hats, shirts, and accessories, each outfit telling its own story of celebration.

Children, especially, revel in donning green attire, with everything from sparkling shamrock glasses to green-striped socks. It’s a day when their outfits shine with creativity and fun. For adults, it’s a chance to step into the festive spirit, sporting everything from elegant green scarves to bright green ties.

a toddler in a stroller with green clothing and toys
No matter how cool you think you are, you will never be as cool as 2 year old Kaia with bling

The tradition of wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is a fun and unifying force. It’s a visual representation of the community’s collective spirit and enthusiasm. In a sea of green, there’s a sense of belonging, a shared understanding that this is a day to celebrate together, irrespective of one’s background.

In this vibrant city, St. Patrick’s Day is a reminder of the fun of community. Wearing green becomes part of the day’s magic, a simple yet powerful gesture of joining in on the communal fun. It’s a day when the streets of Savannah turn into a canvas of green, filled with laughter, music, and the spirit of togetherness.

Delightful Food Options

Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration is a feast for the senses, especially when it comes to food options. The event is a culinary delight, offering a diverse range of flavors to satisfy every palate. From traditional Irish dishes to local Southern favorites, the food scene during the festival is as vibrant as the parade itself.

Irish staples like corned beef and cabbage, shepherd’s pie, and Irish stew are available in abundance, giving attendees a taste of Ireland. These hearty dishes are a nod to the traditional fare of St. Patrick’s Day, and they’re a hit with both locals and visitors. For those looking to indulge in Southern cuisine, there’s plenty on offer. Savannah is famous for its comfort food, so expect mouth-watering barbecue, fried chicken, and seafood.

Street vendors line the parade route, filling the air with enticing aromas. Here, you can find quick bites like pretzels, hot dogs, and, of course, green-colored treats. These range from green cupcakes and cookies to more adventurous options like green grits.

Families with children will appreciate the variety of kid-friendly food options. Many restaurants and stalls cater to little ones, ensuring that even the pickiest eaters find something to enjoy. The festival atmosphere makes dining out an exciting part of the experience, with each meal accompanied by the sounds and sights of the celebration.

Savannah’s Historic Beauty

Savannah, during St. Patrick’s Day or any day, is a city where history breathes through its streets and squares. Its historic beauty is evident in the well-preserved architecture, cobblestone streets, and lush green squares. A walk through Savannah is like stepping back in time, with each corner telling a story of the past.

The city’s historic district, one of the largest in the U.S., is a tapestry of antebellum homes, historic churches, and charming buildings. These structures, some dating back to the 18th century, showcase a range of architectural styles, from Georgian to Victorian. The iconic Forsyth Park, with its famous fountain, is a centerpiece of Savannah’s historic charm. It’s a place where history and modern-day leisure coexist beautifully.

St. Patrick’s Day adds a vibrant layer to this historical backdrop. The parade winds through these historic streets, bringing a burst of energy to these tranquil surroundings. It’s a unique contrast – the lively celebration set against a backdrop of historic serenity.

For families visiting Savannah, exploring the historic district is a must. It’s not only educational but also visually stunning. The city’s commitment to preserving its heritage means that every walk is an opportunity to learn and appreciate the richness of Savannah’s history.

Savannah’s historic beauty is a key part of its charm, offering a picturesque setting for the city’s festivities and a peaceful escape for those looking to explore the quieter side of this enchanting city.

Safety and Comfort

St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is a time of fun and celebration, but keeping safety and comfort in mind is essential, especially when attending with family. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and comfortable experience during the festivities.

Firstly, it’s important to stay hydrated. March in Savannah can be warm, and you’ll likely be outside for extended periods. Carry water bottles for the family and take regular water breaks. Staying hydrated is key to enjoying the day comfortably.

In terms of safety, always keep an eye on your children. The crowds can be large, and it’s easy for kids to wander off. Consider using wristbands with contact information for younger children. Establish a meeting point in case anyone gets separated.

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. You’ll be on your feet a lot, whether you’re watching the parade or exploring the city. Comfortable footwear is a must. Dress in layers to adjust to the changing temperatures throughout the day.

Sun protection is also crucial. Apply sunscreen regularly and wear hats or sunglasses to protect against the sun. Even on cloudy days, UV rays can be strong.

Be aware of your surroundings. Savannah’s historic streets can be crowded and uneven. Watch your step and be cautious while navigating through the city.

Lastly, familiarize yourself with the locations of first aid stations and restrooms. Knowing where these facilities are can be a lifesaver, especially with kids in tow.

A little preparation and awareness go a long way in ensuring your family’s safety and comfort during Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. By staying hydrated, keeping a close watch on children, and dressing appropriately, you can focus on enjoying all the fun and excitement the day has to offer.

a redhead with green st. patricks day headband and toy coffee pot
Hydration is key. The morning after can be rough!

Plan Ahead

When it comes to enjoying Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day to the fullest, planning is crucial. This popular event draws crowds from all over, so a little forethought can go a long way in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, book your accommodations well in advance. Savannah’s hotels and rentals fill up quickly for St. Patrick’s Day. Early booking means better choices and often better rates. Consider staying near the historic district or parade route for easy access to the festivities.

Next, familiarize yourself with the parade route and schedule. Knowing where and when the parade happens helps in choosing the best spot to watch. Arrive early to secure a good viewing location, especially if attending with kids. Bring folding chairs or blankets for comfort.

Parking in Savannah can be challenging during this busy event. Look into parking options beforehand. Many visitors opt for public transportation or rideshares to avoid the hassle of finding a parking spot.

Other Events

Also, check out the other events happening around the city. St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah is more than just the parade. There are concerts, family zones, and other activities. Planning which events to attend can help in managing your time effectively.

Lastly, be prepared for the weather. March in Savannah can be unpredictable, so dress in layers and bring rain gear, just in case. Comfortable walking shoes are a must as you’ll likely do a lot of walking.

A little planning can make your St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah a memorable and hassle-free experience. With accommodations secured, a parade plan in place, and an idea of what to expect, you’re set to enjoy the festivities with ease and excitement.

Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration is not just an event; it’s a cherished tradition that brings families together in the spirit of merriment and unity. So, mark your calendar, grab your green attire, and get ready to create cherished family memories in this charming southern city on St. Patrick’s Day. Savannah welcomes you and your little leprechauns with open arms! For up-to-date information follow the official website of the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. More information can be found at the following sites:

Last Updated on December 8, 2023 by On the Road with Red

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